The struggle

My struggle is speaking the truth in love and trying to wake people up who still can’t see what we are up against, while being a Christian.
It’s a battle for me. Part of me wants to just scream and yell and say “can’t you see it!?” “Why can’t you see it!?”
“The mutilation of children, the pervasive perversion across our country, the invasion at our southern border, the push for war and instability, the erosion of patriotism and love of country, the removal of God, the intentional attack on children to confuse and rob them of their innocence, the sacrificing of the unborn on the alter of convenience, the loss of individual liberty, the indoctrination in our schools, the lies perpetuated by our media, the self destruction from within our government ….. why can’t you see it!?” “Why?!!!”
I am flooded by all sorts of emotions. Anger, sorrow, frustration and sadness.
As an artist, it’s hard to keep it all in. To bottle it up. To suppress it. I have to let it out. I am either going to laugh, or I am going to cry… in reality -weep.
So, as a Christian, I opt for humor. Shedding a light on the ugliness of it all. This is still a conflict for me, because how do you drive home the point that our Commander in Chief can’t even talk? This isn’t “mean” to say, it’s our reality and our enemies are seizing this moment and taking advantage of it all.
How do I do this nicely?
Am I supposed to be nice while it’s all burning to the ground?
I know I am to walk in love, I know this. My heart knows this, my spirit knows this. So what does this look like?
I don’t know. That’s the struggle. I am flawed. Fully aware of this. But I am heartbroken over what I am witnessing. So yes, I’ll punch back with humor.
I know I am to pray for my enemies, to pray for our leaders and this is a tough thing to do, especially when I know what I see being done is being done on purpose.
So I will pray for them, but I am also going to keep calling all of this out with humor in hopes to wake one more person up.
Pray for America.
Pray for this world.

5 thoughts on “The struggle

  1. Thank you for your courage to call out the evil right in front of us. Our citizens are lied to every minute of every day. The gas lighting of the past 7 years makes people doubt what is right in front of them, even though they see it with their own eyes. I. like you, am in disbelief. Praying and voting are our only weapons.

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    1. Every one of the doctors that do surgery on children can in fact be charged under the Nuremberg Code !!! They are doing the same thing NAZI doctors did to children. And they were HANGED for it !!!!!1

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