BOOM! Congressional leaders file ‘CRIMINAL’ REFERRAL for Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch etc!!! Read it here:

It’s finally happening and it kinda feels surreal! Today Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis along with Ten other House Republicans: Andy Biggs, Dave Brat, Jeff Duncan, Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar, Andy Harris, Jody Hice, Todd Rokita, Claudia Tenney, and Ted Yoho — have signed a joint letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions requesting the launch of investigations into the crimes we have witnessed and have yet to SEE anything happen!

The letter (below) lays out crime after crime and why investigations must be launched on:

James Comey, for his exoneration of Hillary two months before interviewing Hillary and in his new book he admits that politics played a part. The letter also calls out Comey leaking classified information to the press, which is ILLEGAL as well as Comey lying under oath in regards to Trump Tower Wiretapping.

Hillary Clinton, and her campaign for paying Fusion GPS to conduct a document (Steele Dossier) on candidate Trump and disguising payments, which broke campaign laws.

Loretta Lynch, and her threatening a former FBI informant who tried to come forward on information in the Clinton Uranium One Deal .

Former Acting Director of FBI, Andrew McCabe, lying under oath multiple times as well as violating media policy and constituted misconduct.

FBI Employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, interfering in Clinton Email Server investigation while it was currently underway.

Now if Jeff Sessions would SHOW UP AND DO HIS JOB, we might see some investigations take place and justice FINALLY PREVAIL!

Read the letter below and let me know your thoughts!





Throw Back (in the video below) to the time I wondered where the heck Jeff Sessions was…..(fyi, I am still wondering where the heck he is….TIME for him to SHOW UP and start PROSECUTING LAW BREAKERS, regardless of their political elitism.)

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