I am a Millennial.

I am a millennial.

I am not supposed to really care.

I should be an Independent.

I should be cool with pretty much anything.

I shouldn’t have an opinion, if I do – I shouldn’t share it.

I should be tolerant of anything and everything.

I should care more about animals than about babies in the womb.

I should never offend.

I should be politically correct all the time.

I should question the concept of free speech.

I should trust the government.

I should believe the nightly news.

I should always be lukewarm.

If I am passionate about anything it should be about art, or the weather.

I should blend in.

I should be passive.

I should be all about unity and not about individuality.

I should believe that America is not unique or exceptional.

I should vote based on my emotions.

I should not believe in God.

I should leave fate up to the Universe.

I should just go with the flow.

I should believe what I am told to believe.

I should never rock the boat.

I should avoid honesty if it could offend.

I should believe that all lives don’t matter.

I should be taking a selfie right now instead of typing this.

I should vote for her.


I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

God knew me before I was formed in my mother’s womb.

I am unique.

There is no one like me.

I speak when others are silent.

I choose honesty over political correctness.

I stand when others sit.

I lead.

I give voice to those who have no voice.

I fight for individual liberty.

I am either hot or I am cold and I am ALIVE.

I seek the truth.

I find truth.

I am informed.

I will not be intimidated.

I will not be silenced.

I live with purpose.

I was born for such a time as this.

No history maker was lukewarm.

Be a history maker. Raise history makers. Have a say.

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