Never let someone tell you not to question authority.

The price of having a dissenting opinion is great. Look at what happened to Martin Luther King Jr. when he went completely against group think, and spoke of equality and freedom. Look at what happened to Rosa Parks, when she refused to comply and move to the back of the bus. Look at what happened to Jesus when HE did not align with the Pharisees and Sadduces -they hung HIM on a tree.  The list of those who dared to question authority, who dared to have an alternate view, who dared to speak up and speak out is endless……

Abraham Lincoln
Nelson Mandela
George Washington
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Winston Churchill
Booker T. Washington
W.E.B Du Bois
CorrIe Ten Boom
Anne Frank
Soujourner Truth
James Madison
Mark Twain
Margaret Thatcher
John F. Kennedy
Joan of Ark
Harriet Tubman
Susan B. Anthony
Saint Paul
Saint Peter
Sumer Semple McPherson
Martin Luther
Frederick Douglas
Mother Teresa
Johannes Gutenberg
Booker T. Washington
Nikola Telsla
John Locke
Billy Graham
Florence Nightingale
Martin Luther
St. Augustine
The price is great and so is the cost.
It was a few years back, I sat in a coffee house across from family I loved and respected. They asked me to stop Conservative Momma. They asked to me to no longer share the truth, because it conflicted with their truth. They hated that I supported the President. They hated that I thought differently than how the mainstream media had told them to think. They were incapable of seeing from a different angle. They told me to stop!
When I started Conservative Momma, I had no idea the heat I would get. I remember sitting with my husband one night after having been sent a profane, vile, threatening, hate filled message on Facebook that really shook me. My husband said “Rachel, if you can’t take the heat get out, because when you speak up, many will hate what you have to say.”
“Can you take the heat?” He asked me. It was such a raw moment. I knew I had to be totally real and honest with myself. I knew what “yes” meant. I knew that I would be hated. I knew that I would lose friends, I knew the road would be lonely. I knew that this was not going to come without a cost.
I said, “yes.”
I know that my yes, is nothing compared to the names mentioned above that have faced adversity, because they did not go along as they were told. I am just a mom. A mom who loves freedom, but I will tell you, the cost has been what I knew it would be.
I believe with all my heart that we are in a moment in time where our very freedom is being threatened and our way of life is on the brink of a forever change if we do not rise up. We can not stay silent and complicit and not speak up, we will lose all that so many have fought, bled and died for. We have to be willing to take the heat.
When we are told NOT to question authority, THIS IS EXACTLY WHEN we should be questioning authority!

When we are being told by authority that “staying at home saves lives,”  but child abuse cases are up. Suicide is skyrocketing. Domestic abuse and drug abuse are up too. Are we not to question if these lives are being saved?

We are being told by authority that we must sacrifice our businesses and livelihoods by staying home to get this virus to go away. But SCIENCE completely contradicts with this methodology.  Throughout history SCIENCE has NEVER aligned with quarantining HEALTHY people. NEVER. As we sit at home, our immune systems are shutting down because we are not being exposed to necessary bacteria and viruses that BUILD UP our immunities. We already have the antibodies to fight what is in our homes, we must be exposed to society, in order to fight and survive what is in our society. There is NO SCIENCE in “staying home saves lives” NONE.

Those in authority have inferred that by staying home, the virus will go away. Here’s a little secret, the virus IS NOT GOING AWAY. The whole reason we were staying home was NOT to get rid of the virus, it was so we wouldn’t “overrun” our hospitals. Well that moment has passed. You can tune in to TikTok, and see a plethora of nurses dancing around in their PPE- we’re good now, all clear 👍. This is not a slam on nurses or doctors either. They should have moments to dance, and celebrate that they are no longer in war zones anymore. I have a sister who is a nurse and my brother’s sister is also a nurse working with Covid19 patients. I am extremely grateful for their service and sacrifice during this time.
People might want to stay home till there’s a vaccine and that is their right to do so. Unfortunately, most viruses, don’t have vaccines, and waiting for a vaccine before one leaves their home, could quite possibly mean waiting FOREVER. Or a vaccine could possibly come out that is as accurate as the flu vaccine.

Many are upset that people want to Work. But it is WORKING PEOPLE that FUND our Government. The government runs and functions off of the WORKING AMERICAN. That stimulus check, brought to you by THE WORKING AMERICAN. The government can not continue printing money and sending checks when NO AMERICAN WORKER is producing. This would create inflation and an onset of a GREAT DEPRESSION.

Living in America means YOU get to CHOOSE.



Our country was founded upon INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY. The right for the INDIVIDUAL, NOT Government (Authority) to CHOOSE what is best for the Individual.

It is in this moment we should question authority. We must not so flippantly fall in line and watch our rights trampled upon. Right now, in this moment, our Constitutional Rights are being overridden, and we should question this.

Yes, people will tell you to “shut up.” People will tell you to fall in line and comply.

People will tell you to STOP.

Don’t let them silence you. Don’t let them bully you.

Can you take the heat?

We are the LAND OF THE FREE.

Choice is FREEDOM.
be free

(***To support Conservative Momma vlogs and blogs please consider donating to Paypal  or become a monthly Patron for $1 a month at Patreon.)

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4 thoughts on “Never let someone tell you not to question authority.

  1. You have a whole lot of American Patriots behind you. Dont give up hope! We have to follow our heart and what’s right.Lifting you in prayer. Seems we are all feeling a bit defeated. 🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You are absolutely right and I’ve been thinking the same. I’m in the UK and the state-sanctioned worship of the NHS is downright sinister. NHS workers are well paid and doing their chosen jobs, while thousands of private sector workers are facing unemployment and bankruptcy. The hospitals here are NOT overwhelmed (1000’s of empty beds). We need a healthy economy to pay for all the public services. When did our society become so compliant?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m so impressed by your dedication and determination to stand in the face of an unpopular position. Stand you do! We/I stand with you. 🇺🇸

    Liked by 1 person

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