#NetNeutrality ……Pandora’s Box.

Today was an extremely significant day. Today is the day that our Freedom of Speech will begin to erode. The FCC today, approved sweeping regulations championed by President Obama on how Americans use and do business on the Internet aka net neutrality. Today….(though going under the radar)….will be a day that will make history.

Net Neutrality is posing as a friend…..but it is no friend of mine. Net Neutrality is said to provide an “even playing field” for the under dog….but I tell you it’s a matter of time before all Conservative talk becomes suffocated. So, what is ‘net neutrality?’ According to USA today:

“Net neutrality, or open Internet, is the principle that Internet service providers (ISPs) should give consumers access to all legal content and applications on an equal basis, without favoring some sources or blocking others. It prohibits ISPs from charging content providers for speedier delivery of their content on “fast lanes” and deliberately slowing the content from content providers that may compete with ISPs.”

Sounds great….. right!!? I mean an “equal” playing field…..who doesn’t want an equal playing field….everything should be equal and fair in America….I mean we’re turning into a country of a bunch of socialists….so at this point just give in…..let the government take it over….no biggie….stop freaking out geeeez! No big corporations should be able to push the little guys around….let’s call in the “Almighty Government” to set it straight! (That was sarcasm…..a whole hell of a lot of sarcasm!)

Here’s the deal…..the internet….after today- is now going to be considered a “utility”….that’s right like your water or gas….you are going to now pay to use the “utility of the internet.” Yes, you already pay your provider….but now, on top of that you will pay the “utility of the internet fee” to the government….though the government has DONE NOTHING….they are now going to get a cut of the internet because they are going to “regulate” and make everything “fair” for you.

Ahhhh they are so sweet…the government….looking out for us on the internet……I say-nope! No no no!

This door that was opened today was Pandora’s Box……Do you remember Greek mythology??? Do you remember Pandora? Pandora, the first woman on earth who was created by Zeus. She was gorgeous and perfect in every way! But, because Prometheus stole fire from heaven-Zeus was not so happy and wanted to take vengeance and he did by presenting Pandora to Prometheus’ brother Epimetheus. She was given a beautiful jar (box) for her wedding present by the gods, but she was told not to open it. Of course, out of curiosity, Pandora opened the box and out of the box came all the evils of the world. It was terrible….not good…evil all over the world….horrible horrible!

You see…..net neutrality “sounds” great. It’s that oh so beautiful jar providing equality for all…..but it opens the door for  massive government overreach. “Oh calm down-you are freaking out over nothing” you might say. Here’s the deal, let’s say somebody takes the office of President you don’t like and they call for censorship on Conservative thought.  Governmental control of the internet could ultimately lead to total propaganda. You will only receive access (bandwidth) to news sources, blogs, commentary that the government deems suitable. This would lead to a nation of zombies larger than what we see now. Most would actually have no clue what the hell is going on in the world or what to think -other than what the government allows. And this is the kiss of death to free speech and opens the floodgates of total censorship.

What amazes me most is those classic “liberals”…..who advocate for FREE SPEECH… are silent on this one…..(crickets)! But this one, is THE ONE to be fired up about!

Today….yes….today will make history.

3 thoughts on “#NetNeutrality ……Pandora’s Box.

    1. Yes, Bernie….this is what it means. On the surface-it looks great, but ultimately it leads to a loss of freedom and an infringement on our rights. You can believe what the main stream media tells you though if you want…..but I prefer the truth.


  1. Reblogged this on conservativemomma and commented:

    On February 26, 2015 the FCC passed a historic measure to regulate the internet. I wrote a blog on that day, addressing my deep concerns about this.
    The current FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, announced last month that the agency would undo its 2015 Net Neutrality rules and I fully support this.
    Below is the blog I wrote and my thoughts have not changed.


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